![]() |
wxPdfDocument 1.3.0
Variables | |
const int | OUT_BIND_TOP = 0x00001 |
Zint Output options (symbol->output_options ) | |
const int | OUT_BIND = 0x00002 |
Boundary bars above & below the symbol and between stacked symbols. | |
const int | OUT_BOX = 0x00004 |
Box around symbol. | |
const int | OUT_STDOUT = 0x00008 |
Output to stdout. | |
const int | OUT_READER_INIT = 0x00010 |
Reader Initialisation (Programming) | |
const int | OUT_SMALL_TEXT = 0x00020 |
Use smaller font. | |
const int | OUT_BOLD_TEXT = 0x00040 |
Use bold font. | |
const int | OUT_CMYK_COLOUR = 0x00080 |
CMYK colour space (Encapsulated PostScript and TIF) | |
const int | OUT_DOTTY_MODE = 0x00100 |
Plot a matrix symbol using dots rather than squares. | |
const int | OUT_GS1_GS_SEPARATOR = 0x00200 |
Use GS instead of FNC1 as GS1 separator (Data Matrix) | |
const int | OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE = 0x00400 |
Return ASCII values in bitmap buffer (OUT_BUFFER only) | |
const int | OUT_QUIET_ZONES = 0x00800 |
Add compliant quiet zones (additional to any specified whitespace) (. | |
const int | OUT_NO_QUIET_ZONES = 0x01000 |
Disable quiet zones, notably those with defaults as listed above. | |
const int | OUT_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT = 0x02000 |
Warn if height not compliant, or use standard height (if any) as default. | |
const int | OUT_EANUPC_GUARD_WHITESPACE = 0x04000 |
Add quiet zone indicators ("<"/">") to HRT whitespace (EAN/UPC) | |
const int | OUT_EMBED_VECTOR_FONT = 0x08000 |
Embed font in vector output - currently only for SVG output. | |
const int | OUT_MEMORY_FILE = 0x10000 |
Write output to in-memory buffer memfile instead of to outfile | |
const int | INP_DATA_MODE = 0 |
Binary. | |
const int | INP_UNICODE_MODE = 1 |
UTF-8. | |
const int | INP_GS1_MODE = 2 |
GS1. | |
const int | INP_ESCAPE_MODE = 0x0008 |
Process escape sequences. | |
const int | INP_GS1PARENS_MODE = 0x0010 |
Process parentheses as GS1 AI delimiters (instead of square brackets) | |
const int | INP_GS1NOCHECK_MODE = 0x0020 |
Do not check validity of GS1 data (except that printable ASCII only) | |
const int | INP_HEIGHTPERROW_MODE = 0x0040 |
Interpret height as per-row rather than as overall height. | |
const int | INP_FAST_MODE = 0x0080 |
Use faster if less optimal encodation or other shortcuts if available (affects DATAMATRIX, MICROPDF417, PDF417, QRCODE & UPNQR only) | |
const int | INP_EXTRA_ESCAPE_MODE = 0x0100 |
Process special symbology-specific escape sequences as well as others (. | |
const int | OPT_DM_SQUARE = 100 |
Data Matrix specific options (symbol->option_3 ) | |
const int | OPT_DM_DMRE = 101 |
Consider DMRE versions on automatic symbol size selection. | |
const int | OPT_DM_ISO_144 = 128 |
Use ISO instead of "de facto" format for 144x144 (i.e. don't skew ECC) | |
const int | OPT_FULL_MULTIBYTE = 200 |
QR, Han Xin, Grid Matrix specific options (symbol->option_3 ) | |
const int | OPT_ULTRA_COMPRESSION = 128 |
Ultracode specific option (symbol->option_3 ) | |
const int | WARN_DEFAULT = 0 |
Warning level (symbol->warn_level ) | |
const int | WARN_FAIL_ALL = 2 |
Treat warning as error. | |
const int | CAP_HRT = 0x0001 |
Zint Capability flags (ZBarcode_Cap() cap_flag ) | |
const int | CAP_STACKABLE = 0x0002 |
Is stackable? | |
const int | CAP_EANUPC = 0x0004 |
Is EAN/UPC? | |
const int | CAP_EXTENDABLE = 0x0004 |
Legacy. | |
const int | CAP_COMPOSITE = 0x0008 |
Can have composite data? | |
const int | CAP_ECI = 0x0010 |
Supports Extended Channel Interpretations? | |
const int | CAP_GS1 = 0x0020 |
Supports GS1 data? | |
const int | CAP_DOTTY = 0x0040 |
Can be output as dots? | |
const int | CAP_QUIET_ZONES = 0x0080 |
Has default quiet zones? | |
const int | CAP_FIXED_RATIO = 0x0100 |
Has fixed width-to-height (aspect) ratio? | |
const int | CAP_READER_INIT = 0x0200 |
Supports Reader Initialisation? | |
const int | CAP_FULL_MULTIBYTE = 0x0400 |
Supports full-multibyte option? | |
const int | CAP_MASK = 0x0800 |
Is mask selectable? | |
const int | CAP_STRUCTAPP = 0x1000 |
Supports Structured Append? | |
const int | CAP_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT = 0x2000 |
Has compliant height? | |
strong |
Warning and error conditions (API return values)
strong |
Symbologies as defined in the Zint library.
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT = 0x2000 |
Has compliant height?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_COMPOSITE = 0x0008 |
Can have composite data?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_DOTTY = 0x0040 |
Can be output as dots?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_EANUPC = 0x0004 |
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_ECI = 0x0010 |
Supports Extended Channel Interpretations?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_EXTENDABLE = 0x0004 |
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_FIXED_RATIO = 0x0100 |
Has fixed width-to-height (aspect) ratio?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_FULL_MULTIBYTE = 0x0400 |
Supports full-multibyte option?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_GS1 = 0x0020 |
Supports GS1 data?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_HRT = 0x0001 |
Zint Capability flags (ZBarcode_Cap() cap_flag
Prints Human Readable Text?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_MASK = 0x0800 |
Is mask selectable?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_QUIET_ZONES = 0x0080 |
Has default quiet zones?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_READER_INIT = 0x0200 |
Supports Reader Initialisation?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_STACKABLE = 0x0002 |
Is stackable?
const int wxPdfBarcode::CAP_STRUCTAPP = 0x1000 |
Supports Structured Append?
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_DATA_MODE = 0 |
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_ESCAPE_MODE = 0x0008 |
Process escape sequences.
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_EXTRA_ESCAPE_MODE = 0x0100 |
Process special symbology-specific escape sequences as well as others (.
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_FAST_MODE = 0x0080 |
Use faster if less optimal encodation or other shortcuts if available (affects DATAMATRIX, MICROPDF417, PDF417, QRCODE & UPNQR only)
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_GS1_MODE = 2 |
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_GS1NOCHECK_MODE = 0x0020 |
Do not check validity of GS1 data (except that printable ASCII only)
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_GS1PARENS_MODE = 0x0010 |
Process parentheses as GS1 AI delimiters (instead of square brackets)
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_HEIGHTPERROW_MODE = 0x0040 |
Interpret height
as per-row rather than as overall height.
const int wxPdfBarcode::INP_UNICODE_MODE = 1 |
const int wxPdfBarcode::OPT_DM_DMRE = 101 |
Consider DMRE versions on automatic symbol size selection.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OPT_DM_ISO_144 = 128 |
Use ISO instead of "de facto" format for 144x144 (i.e. don't skew ECC)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OPT_DM_SQUARE = 100 |
Data Matrix specific options (symbol->option_3
Only consider square versions on automatic symbol size selection
const int wxPdfBarcode::OPT_FULL_MULTIBYTE = 200 |
QR, Han Xin, Grid Matrix specific options (symbol->option_3
Enable Kanji/Hanzi compression for Latin-1 & binary data */
const int wxPdfBarcode::OPT_ULTRA_COMPRESSION = 128 |
Ultracode specific option (symbol->option_3
Enable Ultracode compression (experimental)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_BIND = 0x00002 |
Boundary bars above & below the symbol and between stacked symbols.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_BIND_TOP = 0x00001 |
Zint Output options (symbol->output_options
Boundary bar above the symbol only (not below), does not affect stacking (
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_BOLD_TEXT = 0x00040 |
Use bold font.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_BOX = 0x00004 |
Box around symbol.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE = 0x00400 |
Return ASCII values in bitmap buffer (OUT_BUFFER only)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_CMYK_COLOUR = 0x00080 |
CMYK colour space (Encapsulated PostScript and TIF)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT = 0x02000 |
Warn if height not compliant, or use standard height (if any) as default.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_DOTTY_MODE = 0x00100 |
Plot a matrix symbol using dots rather than squares.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_EANUPC_GUARD_WHITESPACE = 0x04000 |
Add quiet zone indicators ("<"/">") to HRT whitespace (EAN/UPC)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_EMBED_VECTOR_FONT = 0x08000 |
Embed font in vector output - currently only for SVG output.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_GS1_GS_SEPARATOR = 0x00200 |
Use GS instead of FNC1 as GS1 separator (Data Matrix)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_MEMORY_FILE = 0x10000 |
Write output to in-memory buffer memfile
instead of to outfile
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_NO_QUIET_ZONES = 0x01000 |
Disable quiet zones, notably those with defaults as listed above.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_QUIET_ZONES = 0x00800 |
Add compliant quiet zones (additional to any specified whitespace) (.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_READER_INIT = 0x00010 |
Reader Initialisation (Programming)
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_SMALL_TEXT = 0x00020 |
Use smaller font.
const int wxPdfBarcode::OUT_STDOUT = 0x00008 |
Output to stdout.
const int wxPdfBarcode::WARN_DEFAULT = 0 |
Warning level (symbol->warn_level
Default behaviour
const int wxPdfBarcode::WARN_FAIL_ALL = 2 |
Treat warning as error.